Our Community Partners are crucial to the foundation of our mission. We strive to provide the best facilities, coaches, and resources for athletes in the Central Texas area. Our sponsors help fund these assets to give our athletes the best chance at success, now and in their future.
Sponsorship Levels
Bronze - $1 - $99
Donation in any amount under $100- Full amount goes directly to the player
Silver - $100
Includes company name/logo and website link on our page for one year. $75 directly to the player
$25 to WJVC
Gold - $350
Includes company name/logo and website link on our page for one year. $200 directly to the player
$150 to WJVC
Platinum - $600
Includes company name/logo and website link on our page for one year, company name/logo on WJVC facility sponsorship banner for one year where practices, private lessons and tournaments are held.
$350 directly to the player
$250 to WJVC
Diamond - $750
Includes company name/logo and website link on our page for one year, company name/logo on WJVC facility sponsorship banner for one year, company name/logo on personal 3X5 banner displayed at the facility where practices, private lessons and tournaments are held.
$450 directly to the player
$300 to WJVC
Diamond Plus - $1000
Includes company name/logo and website link on our page for one year, company name/logo on WJVC facility sponsorship banner for one year, company name/logo on larger personal 5x10 banner displayed at the facility where practices, private lessons and tournaments are held.
$600 directly to the player
$400 to WJVC
Interested in becoming a WJVC partner?
We would love to tell you more about our mission and how community partnerships make an impact on the youth of Central Texas!
Please direct all inquiries to Sherry Rogers at coachrogers009@gmail.com
Once completed, all paperwork can be emailed or turned in physically at facility by NOVEMBER 15th.
All existing banners will stay up until December 2023.
I will reach out to existing sponsors to see if you would like to renew!